Lysa TerKeurst is a famous Christian non-fiction author, speaker and president of Proverbs 31 Ministries.
She has written several New York Times bestsellers, including ‘Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out and Lonely,’ and ‘Forgiving What You Can’t Forget.’
Her books have received positive reviews from Publishers Weekly, appreciating her vulnerability, humor and spiritual insights.
TerKeurst, born in Tallahassee, Florida, faced personal challenges, including the death of her sister, an abortion before marriage and marital issues with her husband, Art TerKeurst, involving infidelity and substance abuse.
Despite reconciling and renewing vows in 2018, she announced in 2022 the decision to end her 29-year marriage, citing it as the ‘wisest and hardest’ choice.
I have collected the best quotes by Lysa Terkeurst in this article.
Best Lysa Terkeurst Quotes
I must exchange whispers with God before shouts with the world. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
My attitude of love must not be sacrificed on the altar of activity. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Don’t put the whole of your identity into the smallness of a situation. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
God invites us today to live a great story with Him. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
If you give your mess to the Messiah, He can turn it into a message. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
God is using all of your experiences, both good and bad, to develop your character to match your calling. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Just because something is hard doesn’t mean it’s impossible. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
The decisions you make determine the schedule you keep. The schedule you keep determines the life you live. And how you live your life determines how you spend your soul. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
God loves me too much to answer my prayers at any other time than the right time and in any other way than the right way. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
So, I’m not on a diet. I’m on a journey with Jesus to learn the fine art of self-discipline for the purpose of holiness. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Raw emotions – anger, frustration, bitterness, resentment – are the feelings we tend to hide from people we want to impress but spew on those we love the most. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Satan wants anxiety to hinder us from becoming effective servants of Christ. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Keep your eyes on the Master, because He knows things we do not know! ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Remember who you are. Don’t compromise for anyone, for any reason. You are a child of the Almighty God. Live that truth. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
You’ve never gone too far that God can’t redeem you, restore you, forgive you, and give you a second chance. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
The truly thankful person is a truly peaceful person. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Sometimes we need the salt of tears to remind us how to savor the sweetness of life. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
God has challenged me to grow in my knowledge of Him but I have to CHOOSE whether or not to display this growth through my actions. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Nothing done with the focus on God is ever a waste of time. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
We want big directional signs from God. God just wants us to pay attention. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Our decisions aren’t just isolated choices. Our decisions point our lives in the directions we’re about to head. Show me a decision and I’ll show you a direction. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
God never intended for us to rely on others for our sense of well being. Only He is equipped to provide that. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Top Lysa Terkeurst Quotes
At the end of the day, honoring God leads to good things. Anything else leads to confusion, emotional exhaustion and a lack of good things. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Big things are built one brick at a time. Victories are achieved one choice at a time. A life well lived is chosen one day at a time. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
There is power in simply speaking the name Jesus. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Life as a Christ follower will always be a learning process of depending less on our own strength and more on God’s power. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Today, let’s set our minds and hearts on feeling more thankful for what we are than guilty for what we’re not. Let’s cut the threads of guilt with grace. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
I want my kids to head out the door full of peace, not the echoes of my frustrations. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
God will always do great things with people who are willing to be faithful in the small things. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
I realize how desperately I need grace, therefore I try to lavishly give it. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Prayer does make a difference-a life-changing, mind-blowing, earth-rattling difference. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Today, let’s be determined to see blessings in the midst of things that seem like burdens. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Popular Lysa Terkeurst Quotes
God is mighty. God is caring. God is worthy of praise. God is loving. God is able. God is in control. Nothing takes God by surprise. Some sweet reminders to soak in before falling asleep tonight. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Wisdom makes decisions today that will still be good tomorrow. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Outside our comfort zone, though, is where we experience the true awesomeness of God. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Most of us spend years chasing things in this world that we think will make us feel loved. But everything this world has to offer is temporary. Everything. The kind of love our souls crave is lasting, eternal. And only God can fill up our hearts with that kind of love. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
When to give grace? I’d rather stand before God knowing I loved others too much rather than regretting that I judged too harshly. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
I give grace because I so desperately need it. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
One drop of the Lord’s mercy is better than an ocean of the world’s comfort. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
When God says no, we are sometimes tempted to wonder if He loves us. In reality, it’s because He loves us, He sometimes says no. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Wise women tuck Godly wisdom into the words they speak and even more into the words they choose not to speak. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Remember, the Devil loves to make us focus on the little that’s wrong so we miss the big picture of all that’s right. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
God is good to me, even when life doesn’t feel good to me. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
God loves you just the way you are. But He loves you too much to leave you stuck in a state of defeat. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
God, despite my circumstances, I will find reasons to praise You. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
This life is not about me. It’s about joining hands with Jesus to fulfill whatever tasks He sets before me and to share His love with all He brings my way. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
I can face things that are out of my control and not act out of control. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
We live in a broken world full of broken people. But isn’t it comforting to know God isn’t ever broken? He isn’t ever caught off guard, taken by surprise, or shocked by what happens next. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Great love isn’t two people finding the perfect match in one another. Great love is two people making the choice to be a match. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Famous Lysa Terkeurst Quotes
Saying yes all the time won’t make me Wonder Woman. It will make me a worn out woman. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Trusting God’s plan is the only secret I know in the gentle art of not freaking out. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Being married is amazing. Being married is incredibly difficult. Being married can seem impossibly hard. Being married is incredibly beautiful. Yes, marriage is a fragile blend of all of this and more. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Whatever has you afraid, angry, intimidated or frustrated tonight – take it to our all-powerful and all-capable God. He has the answer. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Refusing to gossip is a beautiful decision to make. It not only creates richer friendships but, more importantly, it makes our relationship with the Lord more authentic and believable. We honor God when we honor each other. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
I want to learn how to be more thankful for what I am, than guilty for what I’m not. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Do not confuse the command to love with the disease to please. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
The secret to healthy conflict resolution isn’t taking a ‘you against me’ stance. The secret is realizing it’s ‘us against Satan.’ He’s the real enemy. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
My imperfections will never override God’s promises. God’s promises are not dependent on my ability to always choose well, but rather on His ability to use well. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
God loves to take people from broken backgrounds and surprise them with possibilities. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Don’t let people’s compliments go to your head, and don’t let their criticisms go to your heart. The degree to which you do either of these things is the degree to which you’ll be ruled by what other people think of you. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Ultimate Lysa Terkeurst Quotes
Rejection steals the best of who I am by reinforcing the worst of what’s been said to me. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
No person, possession, profession, or position ever fills the cup of a wounded, empty heart. It’s an emptiness only God can fill. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
A woman who is careful with her words is a gift to all who know her. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Feelings are indicators, not dictators. They can indicate where your heart is in the moment, but that doesn’t mean they have the right to dictate your behavior and boss you around. You are more than the sum total of your feelings and perfectly capable of that little gift . . . called self-control. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Having faith doesn’t mean I have all the answers. It means trusting God especially in the midst of uncertainty. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Trying to fix another person will only add to my anxiety. Letting Jesus work on me is where real progress can happen. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Resisting God’s promises will make us forget God’s presence. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Those who constantly try to impress others will quickly depress themselves. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
If I’m going to call myself a person of faith, I need to be willing to live a life that actually requires faith. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
I was made for more than being stuck in a vicious cycle of defeat. I am not made to be a victim of my poor choices. I was made to be a victorious child of God. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
If I’m trusting myself, I will stare at all the possible ways I could fail. If I’m trusting God, I will stare at all the possible ways He’ll use this whether I fail or succeed. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Whatever attitude we bring into a situation will be multiplied. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
A woman who lives with the stress of an overwhelmed schedule will often ache with the sadness of an underwhelmed soul. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Not making a decision is actually a decision. It’s the decision to stay the same. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
What if the worst parts of your life are actually gateways to the very best parts you’d never want to do without? ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Inspiration and information without personal application will never amount to transformation. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Never is a woman so fulfilled as when she chooses to underwhelm her schedule so she can let God overwhelm her soul. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Wise Lysa Terkeurst Quotes
Lord, help me to see what comes my way as an opportunity instead of an inconvenience. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
God, I want to see You. God, I want to hear You. God, I want to know You. God, I want to follow hard after You. And even before I know what I will face today, I say yes to You. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
God gave me emotions so I could experience life, not destroy it. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Where there is a lack of rest, there is an abundance of stress. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Scars are beautiful when we see them as glorious reminders that we courageously survived. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
Forgiveness is mandatory; reconciliation is optional. ~ Lysa TerKeurst.
So these were the 83 top Lysa Terkeurst quotes that are inspirational and motivational.
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